Your guys Really Love It When...
When you indulge our guy side.
I love to watch sports, so to share that with a girl is a big turn-on." — Jacob, 20
When you plan the whole night.
"I love when girls initiate plans instead of being like, 'Whatever you want to do!' When you support us.
"My girlfriend made T-shirts for my band, Rifle Range, before a big show. — Robert, 18
— Craig, 18
When you make boring stuff fun.
"My girlfriend is always up for doing small errands with me — from getting my car serviced to picking birthday gifts for my family. — Naz, 19
When you're low-maintenance. Celeb Tip!
"My date and I were about to walk the red carpet for an event when she realized her shirt was inside out — so she just rocked it like it was supposed to be that way. I remember thinking, It's pretty bad-a** that she's so comfortable with herself." — Jesse McCartney
I love to watch sports, so to share that with a girl is a big turn-on." — Jacob, 20
When you plan the whole night.
"I love when girls initiate plans instead of being like, 'Whatever you want to do!' When you support us.
"My girlfriend made T-shirts for my band, Rifle Range, before a big show. — Robert, 18
— Craig, 18
When you make boring stuff fun.
When you're low-maintenance. Celeb Tip!
"My date and I were about to walk the red carpet for an event when she realized her shirt was inside out — so she just rocked it like it was supposed to be that way. I remember thinking, It's pretty bad-a** that she's so comfortable with herself." — Jesse McCartney