What is love....?
What is love....? Love has been known since the beginning until now. A classic story. Even the local love story like Galih and Ratna or Romi and Yuli.Well, the problem is of the many stories of love there is no single clear definitions What is love? It made me very curious, want to find out what love is.Therefore, I try to do a survey to some fellow teenagers about what is love? They have their own definition of love.Here are answers to them
"Love is something that should start from ourselves. Love is also something that is unconditional. Yups, love is not conditional.I love you even though you often disappoint me.So, love to be there first. Love is not a feeling (feeling) but an action. Love (feel) is actually just a consequence of love (verb). And the result of the act of loving me, I'll get the feeling of love. This is the real meaning of love. "Daughter)
"Love for me is an essential affection. Love already exists in the minds of human beings from birth". rai)"Love is a sense, in which sense it appears as a result of their mutual attraction between people. In every process to form a bond that elicits the attitude and the nature of affection and attention based on the sanctity of self, of people who have it". zai_abdr)
"Love is beautiful. Love can come and go in an unexpected way. Love can blind the eyes of our hearts". ana_maria_girl)
"I would love it is the most beautiful gift that everyone can feel for yourself what love is. Love can not be expressed in words. Reyaroze)"Love is the feeling. Love is actually a forged love after marriage. Love is not sacred". aligh4n1)"Love is a feeling that arises from the human heart ayang has meaning like". Mahesa-jenar)"Perhaps at my age that today, I do not get the sense of what love is. But I know love is a feeling that can be felt from the heart. And maybe, if compared with flavors other, love is the feeling that the most beautiful". AVATAR)

"Love is like a fence that protects the plant. When love has been able to separate themselves from the lust, then it could be likened to love it like a fence to protect the plants. If compassion and pure love grow well, it will not be until our hearts to ruin it. Let 4 elements that will keep us; Love, Hope, Dreams and Trust ". Love is not only I, or you, but we. Love is a tool to unite people in a life. Love is the means to build a better life. Love can not be unrequited. _jangankan the love,
I wrote we can not _. Love is mutual, mutual love for each other. Mutual love and mutual attraction. Trust and mutual understanding. need
each other. "Love only exist in fairy tales, man. Love is only in his
poems and works of pulp. Lifetime cave that guns ever, find any such
thing as love.
Well, that's some answers from fellow teens about what is love?
Well, that's some answers from fellow teens about what is love?