Bird in Flight by Nate

Then in first period something happened that catapulted me into a fit of side splitting laughter. This drives everyone, including myself, insane.
Anyway the event that brought me to such a fit of laughter starts with a bird. That’s right a bird. This flying bird smashed right into the window. It may not sound that funny but you have to visualize it.
A graceful aviator flying, swooping and diving and then WAAP! Right into the window. It kinda hovered there a few stunned seconds with a WTF look in its eyes. Then it back peddled, still quite dazed and disoriented it tried to get its bearings. The graceful swooping and diving of this aviators flight had been severely crippled, this poor bird was not even able to fly in a straight line. The crow made eye contact with me and its stupefied enlarged pupils made for one hell of an uproarious sight.
A vision of those Windex commercials popped in my head and I wondered if there was a pair of crows sitting out there somewhere roaring with boisterous cackling at the same sight I had just witnessed. BAAHAHA!
I lost it, I literally fell out laughing and could not regain control. Mrs. Kelchner had me step out into the hall until I could compose myself, while Cassie sat shaking her head with her face buried in her hands. When I finally did take my seat the lingering smudge left on the window by the bewildered bird was the muse to prod another bout of hysteria. I had to keep clamping my mouth shut with my hand to suppress the laughter threatening to take me.
I’d rather take the dirt bike out this afternoon.
BUT tomorrow should be interesting. MAWHAHAHAHA. (Sinister grin and wringing my hands)
While waiting for Alex and Angie to pick me up after school, I switched some of the number plates on the lockers. I had time to switch eight of them. I predict at least five of them will fall prey and be PUNKD.