Moon Song - Prologue Moon Song by Tainia Chapter 1

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I sprinted toward the brush as soon as one spotted me from the distance. Oh God! I should’ve listened to my brother. The trees flew by me in a blur, as gravel and pine picked up behind me. Dodging pine trees, and jumping over ditches slowed me down, but when you're running for your life, you tend to ignore obstacles as if they were put there on purpose. pack had a distinct scent of pine and mint that made us recognize each other. The smoky cedar stilling in the air reeked of outsiders definitely, and I couldn’t for the life of me turn back to check if they’d caught up. Squeezing my eyes shut, I heard jaws snapping at the tip of my tail, and I forced my legs to go farther.

Split up!

A black wolf with brown patches splurged in random parts of his coat jumped out in front of me, and I had a few seconds to dodge his attack, as I side stepped him and kept running. A guttural growl sounded seconds later, and I knew I’d made him angry.

Yeah, he told me all right, and I knew if Satchel had seen me now, he’d have my fur on a coat, if my pursuers didn't get to me first. My heart quickened when familiar territory materialized up ahead of me. The smell of safety just within arms reach was like mama’s homemade bread. I used that as my focus point, willing my paws to go faster, my head bobbing up and down as if to pick up the speed making the air whip against my ears. my mind chanted, as if I had a small cheerleader in my head, egging me on.

Just when the smell of home wafted through my senses, something hard slammed against my side, and I toppled over to the side, skidding hard into a pine tree. Goulash dripping in their wake. I felt a slight sting in my front foreleg, and noticed a sharp branch sticking out, with a blush of red just coating the edges.

Panting, I tried to control my fear, because fear in the face of these male wolves would rile them up more. Excite them in to thinking I was their best prey of the season.

I whined, when I put pressure on my legs, and flopped back to the side. I couldn’t run even if I wanted to.

You’ve got nowhere to run now, little pup, the black and patchy brown one said.

I growled, hating the fact that he referred to me as little. I shuddered, realizing now what Satchel had been talking about keeping me inside around mating season. A pack of wild dogs, and a lonely unmated female such as myself?

A perverted chuckle escaped the dogs, and the rest followed. I never let my guard down, and I kept my muzzle snapping and growling every time they neared my body.

Stay the hell away, or so help me God, I’ll rip your heads off! I warned, snapping my jaws in question. I frowned, as the rumble only got louder, as I noticed gravel and stones wobbling on the surface, and thought that an earthquake couldn’t have come at the best time.

For a few seconds, every body froze, and every body focused on the sound the ground was making, as more pebbles shifted every time the thundering pounding of something large hit ground.

Then a huge brown blur came flying out of the distance, and slammed its full weight into the nearest wolf, knocking him down sideways. His jaws sunk into one of the wolves, and then tore another's leg just as fast.

Blood oozed from three of the others coats, and just judging from the blood coming from the brown wolf’s mouth, I knew he’d caused it. The shock wasn’t for the fact that a brown wolf had scared the others away, or that he’d gently taken the stick out of my leg, no.

The shock was the fact that knowing whom had saved me, when I blinked my eyes up at Cairo’s big brown ones. A strangle of cries sounded when the stick finally was out of my leg.

He lapped at my wound with his tongue, cleaning up my coat as if doing so would help with the pain. If I was in my human form, I’d be blushing. I’d never experienced another mans eyes on me before, even more so, I’ve never been this close to a male wolf before.

The most hated guy from our pack, who’d not only attacked and taken Willy, but marked me as his potential mate when I was seven years old.

Eleven years later, he’d never once given my brother a reason to kill him. And yet, here he was, tending to my wounded leg, after scaring away a pack of wild dogs that could have killed me.

My eyes popped open, and I could almost see amusement littering his wolf eyes. I managed to change back into my human form, and I shrugged the top on quickly. I watched him rustle through his backpack, and pull out what looked like a med pack.

With gentle hands, he wiped an antiseptic over my arm where blood seeped from the wounds, and bandaged it carefully, and I watched with awe, and admiration. The soft croon of his voice made a hum inside my chest.

I nodded. We walked back in silence, though I noticed his eyes always darting around the brush looking for potential threats. So what if I liked the smell of honey suckle, and sycamore coming from his scent, or knowing the fact that his scent lingered on my skin when he'd nurtured my wound. I shook my thoughts aside, grimacing.

View next Chapter Bellow by Tania
Chapter 1: Prologue by Tainia
Chapter 2: Wolf Scent by Tainia
Chapter 3: Marking Territory by Tainia
Chapter 4: Rude Awakening by Tainia
Chapter 5: Stolen Oath by Tainia