One Thousand Dollar ( Part One )


One Thousand Dollar, " Lawyer Tolman repeated solemly , and here is the money, Young Gillian Laughed a little as he fingered the thin package of new fifty dollar bills. Too bad it's such an awkward amount, he said good .to the lawyer. If it bad been thousand dollar a pillow might have a gay time for several months. Even fifty dollar would have been less trouble.
You heard the reading of your ucle's will continued Lawyer Tolman in a dry voice.I don't know if you paid much attention to its details. I must remind you of one anyway, You must give us an account of how you spent this $1.000 as soon as you have disposed of it. The will states that you must, I believe you will obey the late Mr. Gillian,s wishes to that extent. " Young Gillian went to his club, There he found a man whom he called Bryson. Bryson was calm and forty and not much interested in other people, but for some reason Gillian liked him. was sitting in a corner reading a book, and when he saw Gillian approaching, he unwill ingly put down his book and took off his glasses. Bryson, listen said Gillian  " I have a funny story to tell you.
I wish you would tell it to someone in the poolroom, replied Bryson sourly, " You know how I hate your stories.
This is a better one than usual," Gillian continued, lighting a cigarette and I'm glad to tell it to you,It's too  sad and also too funny to go with  the noise of the poolroom, I've just come from the offices of my late uncles's lawyers. My uncle left me a thousand dollars. Now what can a man possibly do wish a thousand dollar?
I thought remarked Bryson, showing very little interest, that the late  Septimus Gillian was worth about half a million. 
He was, " Gillian agreed, and that's the odd part of it all. He left most of hiss money to a hospital and scientists who work there. There were a few small bequest  too  The butler and the housekeeper got a gold ring and $10 each. His nephew meaning me, of course got $ 1000. 
You've always had plenty of money to spend , observed Bryson. Tons of money said Gillian " My uncle was wonderfully generous as far as an allowance was  concerned 

Are there any other heirs? asked Bryson None, Gillian looked down at his cigarette, Oh, there is a miss Hayden she lived at his house , My uncle was her guardian She's a quiet girl a musician the daughter of  somebody who knew my uncle year ago.I forget to say that she too received a gold ring and $10 I wish he had left me the same things. Then I could have ordered two bottles of wine, given the ring to the waiter for a tip, and that would have been the end of the whole matter. Don't be disagreeable and insulting, Bryson, tell me what a fellow can do with a thousand dollar. Bryson rubbed his glasses and smiled. And when Bryson smiled. Gillian knew that he intended to be more offensive than ever. A thousand dollars, he said means much or little  One man could begin buying a happy home with it. Another could send his sick wife to a warm climate it and save her life. A thousand dollar would buy milk for one hundreds babies during the month of August. You could have a half  hour's entertainment with it gambling at monte Cralo. It would help an told that an original Corot painting was bought for that amount at a sale yesterday. You could move to a small town and live respectably for several months on it. You could rent an auditorium for one evening with it and give a lecture to your audience on  Heir.
People might like you better Bryson Gillian said if you didn't moralize I asked you to tell me what I could do with a thousand dollars. You? Bryson answered,Why, Bobby,Gillian, there's one sensible thing you could do. You could buy that actress, Miss Lotta Laurence a diamond pin with the money and then go to Idaho and make a nuisance of yourself on a ranch 'I advise a sheep ranch for I particularly dislike sheep. Thank, Gillian said rising. I knew I could depend on you,Bryson You've supplied me with  a good plan. I wanted to spend the money all at once. I have to give an accont of it. and I hate details. Gillian phoned for  a taxi and said to the driver, The stage entrance to the Columbine Theater. Miss Lotta  Louriere    was powdering her face, almost ready to go on stage, Just then her dresser, Sarah Adams, announced that Mr. Gillian was at the door. " Let him come in," Miss Lauriere said as she continued to powder her face and neck." Now what is it, Bobby? I have to be on stage in two munite." It won't take two minutes for what I have to say. How would you like a little present like a diamond pin? i can spend as much as a thousand dollar for it.

Oh' you can buy it if you want ro," Miss Lauriere commented without much interest. " Hand me my ither glove, Sarah say, Bobby, did you see that necklace Della Stacey was wearing Thursday night ? It cost five thousand dollars at Tiffany's.  But of course well pull my hat down a little on the left, Sarah." Miss Lauriere on stage ,please !" the call boy shouted from the hall. Gillian walked out of the theater to where his taxi was waiting.   

One Thousand Part Two click here