Story Origin of the Name Bandung


Bandung is using capital of the Province at West Java Now


Regarding the origin of the name "Bandung", expressed various opinions. Some say that the word 'Bandung "in Sundanese, synonymous with the word" appeal "in Indonesian, means side by side. Ngabandeng (Sunda) means adjacent or contiguous. This is partly expressed in the Big Indonesian Dictionary Balai Pustaka (1994) and Sundanese-Indonesian dictionary published by Reader Faithful (1996), that the word "Bandung" means in pairs and also means that co-exist.

The other says, that the word "duo" means large or widespread. The word is derived from milk. In Sundanese, ngabandeng is the designation for a large puddle and looked calm, but it seemed creepy. Allegedly said milk is then transformed into a sound of "Bandung". There is also a suggestion that the word "Bandung" is derived from the word "dam". The opinions about the origin and meaning of the word "Bandung" was, apparently related to the events of early terbendungnya Citarum River in the area Padalarang by Tangkuban Perahu lava that erupted during the Holocene (± 6000 years ago). As a result, the area between Padalarang to Cicalengka (± 30 kilometers) and the area between the Tangkuban Perahu to Soreang (± 50 kilometers) under water into a large lake which later became known as "Lake of Bandung" or "Lake of Bandung Ancient". Based on the result of geological research, water "Lake of Bandung" is expected to begin to recede in the Neolithic period (± 8000-7000 BC). The lake water receding process takes place gradually over the centuries.
 Historically, the word or name "Bandung" known since in the former lake area stands Bandung regency government (about the third decade of the 17th century). Thus, the term "Lake of Bandung" to the big lake that ensued after the founding of Bandung regency.