Your "Kind Of" Stalker - TWO YEARS LATER (chapter 2) Your "Kind Of" Stalker - TWO YEARS LATER (chapter 2) by Ramisha Asif


I felt something substantially hard hit my head and groaned. “Dude!”
“You’re gonna be late AGAIN!”
Oh how I did love my mornings. “OK you old hag! I earnestly considered just sleeping in and cutting my morning classes but then I remembered.

“Brielle,” I whispered into my pillow a little too breathlessly. God I felt pathetic at that moment, I groaned into my pillow and my nerves went haywire as my mind went back to what I had done last night. I broke into school and left a special surprise for my little Red Riding Hood, Brielle. I know this unexpected burst of confidence isn’t a part of my personality either. ~

I reached the school and kept running till I reached the doors and jerked them open with a little too much pressure. “Fuck!” I cussed. I was late and the corridors were empty. Everyone was in class. I was extremely pissed off at my sister. Ok fine, granted it wasn’t entirely her fault.

I stalked my way up to my English class. I was grateful that my English teacher, Mrs. Drew was pretty kind and lenient. She wouldn’t give me a tardy if I was remorseful about my late arrival or at least looked a bit remorseful about it. Seconds before grabbing the knob I stopped myself and schooled my features into an expression of nonchalance I didn’t feel at that moment. “Damn it all to hell,” 
I whispered under my breath.
I opened the door and walked in. The class immediately turned their attention to me. I had messy jet black hair with honey coloured eyes and an olive skin tone; I was also 6”1. I gave her a purposeful nervous, lopsided grin I knew she’d fall for. “Sorry Mrs. Drew.” I wanted to blush a little but I hadn’t perfected that trick yet and thought better of it. I gave a quick glance at Brielle and went to take my seat. All of my seats were arranged in this manner, every year. Why the hell?

Chapter 1: PROLOGUE
Chapter 3: Seventh Grade (Brielle)
Chapter 4: Present Day (Brielle)
Chapter 5: Seventh Grade (Marc)