Wawasan Islam Kitab Zakat - Sanksi Pembangkang Zakat


بسم الله الر خمن الر حبم
Tingkatkan  Wawasan Shiam dan Zakat Kita.

👌.Kita Tinggal Sejenak Tentang Corona kita lanjutkan pembahasan kita👇🏿

✍. كتاب الز كاة

🖊️ Makna Zakat

● Sebagai umat muslim kita tahu bahwa zakat merupakan salah satu dari lima Rukun Islam yang wajib dilaksanakan. Kewajiban untuk menunaikan zakat dikenakan bagi kaum muslim yang sudah memenuhi syarat-syarat tertentu seperti telah mencapai nisab (batas harta) dan haul (lama pengendapan harta).
Tapi, tahukah kamu mengapa Islam mewajibkan umatnya untuk berzakat?

✍🏿. Menurut Ibnu Katsir, seorang ilmuan muslim, zakat mulai diwajibkan pada tahun kedua hijriyah. Perintah ini ditandai dengan turunnya Surat Al-Baqarah Ayat 110: [ arti ]

☆ Dan dirikanlah shalat serta tunaikannlah zakat, …”

🖊️.Adapun Makna Zakat yaitu :

A. Thohuru yang berarti membersihkan atau mensucikan.

👇🏿.Allah  S.W.T Berfirman [ arti ]
dalam Surat At-Taubah Ayat 103:

☆.Ambillah zakat dari sebagian harta mereka, dengan zakat itu kamu membersihkan dan menyucikan mereka dan berdoalah untuk mereka, …”

B. Zakat bermakna Al-Barakatu yang memiliki arti berkah.

✍🏿.Dengan mensucikan harta kita melalui zakat, Allah akan melimpahkan berkah kepada kita. Diantara keberkahan hidup yang kita peroleh adalah ketenangan jiwa, kesehatan, terbebas dari berbagai masalah dan lain sebagainya.

C. Zakat bermakna An-Numuw yang artinya tumbuh dan berkembang.

👇🏿.Allah berfirman dalam Surat Ar-Rum Ayat 39: [ arti ]

“☆. Dan sesuatu riba yang kamu berikan agar dia bertambah pada harta manusia, maka riba itu tidak menambah pada sisi Allah. Dan apa yang kamu berikan berupa zakat yang kamu maksudkan untuk mencapai keridhaan Allah, maka itulah orang-orang yang melipat gandakan.”

D.Zakat bermakna As-Sholahu yang artinya keberesan (beres)

✍🏿. Harta yang suci akan mendatangkan keberkahan hidup dan menjauhkan pemiliknya dari berbagai masalah. Orang-orang yang senantiasa berzakat karena Allah, insyaallah akan dijauhkan dari segala macam permasalahan harta seperti kesempitan rezeki, kebangkrutan usaha, kehilangan, pencurian, dan lain sebagainya. Jika diantara kita merasa sering memiliki masalah tersebut, boleh jadi karena kelalaian kita dalam menunaikan zakat.

■. Sungguh besar sekali manfaat dari berzakat, selain akan mendatangkan kebaikan bagi diri kita sendiri, dengan berzakat kita juga turut membantu orang-orang disekitar kita yang membutuhkan bantuan. Sikap saling tolong-menolong ini menjadi modal besar untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang lebih baik.

☝🏿. Sanksi Hukum Pembangkang Zakat

👉🏿.Firman Nya [ arti ]
☆. Hai orang - orang yang beriman ,Sesungguhnya sebagian besar dari orang - orang alim Yahudi dan Rahib- rahib Nasrani benar - benar memakan harta orang dengan jalan batil dan mereka menghalang - halangi [ manusia ] dari jalan Allah dan orang - orang yang menyimpan emas dan perak dan tidak menafkahkan nya pada jalan Allah " Maka beritahukanlah kepada mereka , [.bahwa mereka akan mendapat ] siksa yang pedih ,Pada hari di panaskan   emas perak itu dalam neraka Jahannam ,lalu di bakar denganya dahi mereka ,Lambung dan punggung  mereka [ lalu dikatakan ] kepada mereka ; Inilah harta bendamu yang kamu simpan untuk dirimu sendiri " Maka rasakanlah sekarang [ akibat dari ] apa yang kamu simpan itu ( QS.9 : 34-35 )

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Lanjutan Kitab Puasa كثاب الصيام Fajar Shodiq


بسم الله الر خمن الر حبم
Wawasan Shiam [ Puasa ]
👌.Kita Tinggal Sejenak Tentang Corona kita lanjutkan pembahasan kita👇🏿

✍. كتاب الصيام

🖊️.Beberapa Hadits - Hadits yang ada Hubunganya Dengan Shaum :

👇🏿.Sabda Nabi s.a.w ( arti )
من صام رمضان ايمانا واختسابا غفرله ما تقذم من ذنبه
☆.Barang siapa  bershiam di bulan Ramadhan karena dorongan Iman serta selalu menghitung - hitung kekurangan diri ( introfeksi ) Allah ( berjanji ) akan mengampuni dosa - dosanya ,( walaupun dosa - dosa ) yang telah lampau ( HR.Bukhari & Muslim )

👇🏿.Sabda Nabi s.a.w ( arti )
من يضمن لي مابين لحيتيه وما بين فخذيه اضمن له الجنة
☆. Barang siapa yang menjaga dirinnya dari ( dorongan nafsu  ) yang ada diantara dua bibirnya ( mulut ) , dan dari ( dorongan nafsu )yang ada diantara dua pahanya ( kemaluan ), maka Allah s.w.t akan menjaga (mengganjar ) nya dengan Jannah ( HR.Bukhari )

👇🏿.Firman Allah s.w.t ( arti )

☆. Dan makan serta minumlah kamu ( dimalam bulan Ramadhan hingga tanpak jelas beda benang putih dengan benang merah ( sebagai tanda ) fajar ( al Baqarah : 188 )

👇🏿.Sabda Nabi s.a.w ( arti )

☆. Adalah Bilal ketika adzan pada malam hari ,maka Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda ; " Tetaplah makan dan minum ,sampai terdengar adzan Ibnu Ummi Maktum,sebab ia tidak akan adzan kecuali setelah terbit fajar ,:

☝🏿.Tanda Fajar ada dua yaitu ;

>.Fajar pertama yang memanjang ,di sebut fajar kazib ( dusta ) ,sedang fajar yang kedua yaitu melingkar disebut fajar shadiq ( benar )

👉🏿.Pelaksanaan ibadah shiam meliputi ," Tabyit , Sahur , Imsak dan Iftar

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Wawasan Islam Kitab Shiam atau Puasa [ كثاب الصيام ]


بسم الله الر خمن الر حبم
Persiapan Wawasan Shiam [ Puasa ]
👌.Kita Tinggal Sejenak Tentang Corona kita lanjutkan pembahasan kita👇🏿

✍. كتاب الصيام
⭐. FirmanNya ( arti )
Hai orang - orang yang beriman ,di wajibkan atas kamu shiyam sebagaimana di wajibkan atas orang - orang sebelum kamu agar kamu bertakwa.( QS.2: 183 )

✍🏿.Puasa ( shiam ) merupakan ibadah yang tergolong tua, karena syare'atnya sudah ada pada masa rasul - rasul sebelumnya. Bahkan puasa yang biasa di lakukan oleh orang Jahiliyyah setiap tanggal 10 Muharram serta tiga hari setiap bulan, biasa juga dilakukan oleh Nabi dan para sahabat. Kemudian pada tahun kedua Hijriyyah turun perintah Syiam sunnah di bulan Muharram pada tanggal sembilan dan sepuluh; tanggal 9 disebut Shiam tatsu'a dan tanggal 10  di namakan Shiam  " asura, Adapun shiam tiga hari setiap bulan ,juga menjadi bagian dari syare'at Islam yang di namakan Shiamul Bied. Bied artinya : putih ;puasa putih ini di laksanakan setiap bulan pada tanggal 13,14 dan 15 ( saat bulan berwarna putih = purnama )

👉🏿. Shaum atau shiam ialah
Menahan untuk tidak makan ,minum dan bercampur suami istri,sejak terbit fajar sampai terbebam matahari .

⭐.Shiam ada tiga macam :

A. Shiam Wajib
B.Shiam Sunnah
C.Shiam Haram

🖊️. Shiam Ramadhan.
Shiam Ramadhan yaitu salah satu yang perintahnya termaktub dalam al Qur'an ( QS 2: 183 ) ( arti )

☆.Hai orang -orang yang beriman ,diwajibkan atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana di wajibkan atas orang - orang sebelum kamu agar kamu bertakwa ( al Baqarah :183 )

Juga di sabda Rasulullah s.a.w yaitu hadits yang menceritakan tentang kehadiran Malaikat Jibril a.s di hadapan Rasulullah s.a.w di tengah para sahabat Beliau. Ada beberapa pertanyaan yang di hadapkan Jibril kepada Rasulullah s.a.w " Yang pertama tentang al Islam.

☆. Wahai Muhammad ! Jelaskanlah padaku ,apa itu al Islam ? Nabi s.a.w menjawab Islam ialah ... ( salah satunya ) yaitu bershiam di bulan Ramadhan ( 1 bulan penuh ) ....( HR.Bukhari & Muslim )

🖊️. Mulai mengerjakan ibadah shiam dengan ," Rukyat ( melihat bulan ) ,jika terhalang rukyat ,maka dengan ," Istikmal " maksuknya istikmal yaitu mencukupkan bilangan sya'ban menjadi 30 hari.
👇🏿.Sabda Nabi s.a.w ( arti )
عن ابي هريرة ان النبي ص م قل : صوموا لرؤية وافطرروا لرؤية فاان غم عليكم فااكملوا العدة شعبان شلاسين يوما
☆.Dari Abu Hurairah r.a bahwa Nabi s.a.w bersabda ," Bershiamlah kamu karena melihat bulan ( hilal ) dan berbukalah ( berhari rayalah ) karena melihat bulan ( sabit ).HR.Muslim dan Bukhari

☝🏿.Berdasarkan hadits tsb di atas kita bisa mengetaui petunjuk bahwa cara menentukan awal bulan Ramadhan itu ada dua cara yaitu dengan :

1.Dengan Rukyat
2.Dengan Istikmal ( mencukupkan hitungan Sya'ban 30 hari )

👉🏿.Namun dengan adanya perkembangan ilmu pengetauan dan Teknologi ,maka dua cara tsb mengalami perkembangan juga ,sehingga bergeser menjadi :

1. Dengan Rukyat
2.Dengan Hisab ( menghitung perjalanan bulan mengelilingi bumi ).

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Lanjutan Berintraksi dengan Kitabullah


بسم الله الر خمن الر حبم
Persiapan Wawasan Shiam [ Puasa ]
👌.Kita Tinggal Sejenak Tentang Corona kita lanjutkan pembahasan kita👇🏿


👉🏿. Kewajiban Kita Terhadap Al - Qur'an

✍🏿. Memahami arti ,Taddabur,mengetaui tafsir,dan menjadikanya mau'idzah ( nasehat )

*.Tidaklah al Qur'an itu di turunkan ,melainkan untuk di tadabburi , di fahami, di tafakkuri ,dan di amalkan.

👉🏿.FirmanNya ( arti )
#. Ini adalah sebuah Kitab yang kami turunkan kepadamu penuh dengan berkah, supaya mereka memperhatikan ayat - ayatNya dan supaya mendapat pelajaran orang -orang yang mempunyai fikiran ," ( QS.Shad : 29 )

🖊️.Terus bagiamana kita merasa dirinya  aman dalam ke adaan aman, lalu iapun bersenang - senang siang dan malam ,sedangkan kita tau bahwa kelak,ia harus menghadap Allah s.w.t ( untuk bertanggung jawab atas semua perbuatanya ) ,sementara kita belum berinteraksi dengan al Qur'an yang ada di dekat kita dengan cara sebaik - baiknya ?,"
Bagaimana kalau kelak al Qur'an menuntut pertanggung jawabanya.???

✍🏿.Bergiat-giat dan Bersungguh - sungguh dalam menghafal dan menjaganya.

👉🏿.Menjaga dan menghafal al Qur'an merupakan ghanimah ( anugrah yg besar ) bagi orang - orang yang memiliki cita -cita luhur dan berkeinginan kuat ( 'azzam ) ,Merekalah, orang - orang yang mendapatkan kabar gembira ( bisyarah ) dari Rasulullah s.a.w dan akan di selamatkan dari api neraka.
Sebagaimana sabda Nabi s.a.w
لو جمع القر ان في اهاب مااحرقه الله بالنار : رواه البيهقي ؛ 1467

arti : Apabila Al Qur'an di kumpulkan pada lembaran kulit yang telah di samak, maka Allah tidak akan membakarnya pada api neraka ,:( HR.Baihaqi : 7466 )

🖊️.Oleh karenanya ,jika semangat kita sangat kurang untuk menghafal al Qur'an ,maka hati - hatilah kita termasuk kepada apa yang di sabdakan Rasulullah s.a.w 👇🏿

ان الذي ليس في جوفه شيىء من القران كالبيت الخرب
arti ; Sesungguhnya orang yang tidak pernah membaca al Qur'an sedikitpun ,maka dirinya bagaikan rumah yang ambruk ( HR.Tirmidzi : 3040  & Ahmad & Hakim : 18/2037 ).
Riwayat lainya
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w ( arti )

#. Beliau melihat seseorang yang sedang terlentang dan seorang lainya berdiri dekat kepalanya dengan membawa sebongkah batu,lalu memecahkan kepalanya.Apabila ia memukulkanya , bergelindinglah batu tsb, Kemudian ia pun pergi untuk mengambil batu itu, maka tidaklah ia kembali ke tempat semula melainkan kepala tsb bersatu kembali seperti sediakala ,lalu iapun mengulanginya dan memukulnya kembali, Maka hal itu, di tanyakan kepada Rasulullah s.a.w ,maka Beliau menjawab," Sesungguh dia itu, seseorang yang Allah ajarkan, untuknya al Qur'an ,lalu ia tertidur semalaman ( tanpa membaca
Al Qur'an ) dan terlena di siang harinya ( tanpa mengamalkannya ) orang tsb di perlakukan oleh Allah seperti itu sampai hari kiamat ," ( HR.Bukhari : 1320 ,dari Samurah bin Jundab r.a )

Wahai Saudaraku
Allah s.w.t telah berfirman dalam ayat- ayatnya ( arti )

🖊️. Berkatalah Rasul ,"Ya Tuhanku ," Sesungguhnya kaumku menjadikan al Qur'an itu sesuatu yang tidak  di acuhkan ( QS. Al Furqan : 30 )

Imam Ibnu Katsir berkata ; Termasuk perbuatan mahjuran ( sesuatu yang di tinggalkan ,tak acuh  ) terhadap al Qur'anul karim adalah tidak membenarkan ayatnya, meninggalkan taddbur dan pemahamannya, tidak mengamalkan perintah - perintahnya dan tidak menjauhi larangan -laramgannya ,termasuk juga dalam acuh tak acuh terhadap al Qur'an,memiliki penilaian yang bergeser kepada sesuatu yg di anggap lebih baik, seperti syair ,omongan seseorang,nyanyian atau bentuk - bentuk lainya yang melalaikan

👉🏿.Pada prinsipnya ,siapapun yy acuh dan meninggalkan al Qur'an berarti telah memberanikan diri untuk di hujat oleh al Qur'an pada hari Qiamat.

Sangat beruntung lah kita masih di beri kesempatan dan kemampuan untuk memperbaiki diri. Karena itu hendaklah kita senantiasa memperbayak taubat dan istigfar ,bergandeng bersama saling ingat dan mengingatkan serta menyerukan juga melakukan taubatan Nashuha kepada Allah s.w.t atas kelalaian ,kesalahan kita dalam melaksanakan kewajiban terhadap al Qur'an dan kekurangan kita dalam memenuhi hak - hak nya serta kelemahan kita dalam melaksanakan ajaran - ajaranya.

👉🏿.Marilah kita perbaharui kembali hubungan kita dengan al Qur'an sebelum kita kehilangan harapan terhadap al Qur'an ( datangnya hari qiamat )

🖊️.Sabda Nabi s.a.w ( arti )

وليسري على كتاب تلله عز وجل في ليلة فلا يقي في اللارضى منه اية

Dan pada hari itu ( hari qiamat ) seseorang berjalan kesana kemari semalam suntuk ,untuk mencari al Qur'an ,namun kenyataanya pada saat itu sudah tidak ada satu ayat pun bisa di jumpai di muka bumi ( HR.Ibnu Majah : 4049 & Hakim : 168/8460 )

🖊️.Terakhir marilah dalam rangka kita melaksanakan kewajiban kita terhadap Al Qur'an ini kita berdoa ;

⭐.Ya Rabb jadikanlah al Qur'an ini sebagai pelipur hati kami, jadikanlah ia cahaya hati kami, jadikanlah ia sebagai hujjah kebaikan untuk kami, semoga al Qur'an ini, tidak menjadi hujjah yg dapat mencelakakan kami, Aamiiin.

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Lanjutan Berintraksi dengan Al Qur'an



👉🏿. Kewajiban Kita Terhadap Al - Qur'an

✍🏿. Memelihara Bacaan ( tilawah dan tartilnya )

☆.Allah s.w.t berfirman ( arti )

#. Sesungguhnya orang - orang yang selalu membaca Kitab Allah dan mendirikan shalat dan menafkahkan sebagian dari rizki yang kami anugerahkan kepada mereka dengan diam - diam dan terang - terangan ,mereka itu mengharapkan perniagaan yang tidak akan merugi " ( QS.al Fathir : 29 )

* Benar ,bagaimana perdagangan mereka di katakan merugi ,sedang kan keuntunganya sangatlah melimpah ruah, Bayangkan ,kalau satu huruf saja yang di baca ,dapat melahirkan sepuluh lipat pahalanya.

Sabda Nabi s.a.w ( arti )
#.Barang siapa membaca satu huruf dari al Qur'an ,maka baginya kebaikan hingga sepuluh kali lipat ; aku tidak mengatakan alif lam mim itu satu huruf ,melainkan alif satu huruf ,lam satu huruf ,dan .mim satu huruf ," ( HR. Tirmidzi :  5035  dari Ibnu Mas ' ud )

⭐. Hendaklah kita mengalokasikan waktu secara konsisten untuk membaca Al - Qur'an setiap hari ,jangan sampai melewatkanya secara teratur juga.

🖊️. Iringilah bacaan kita dengan tadabbur dan khusyu' berhentilah dimana seharusnya waqaf, sambungkanlah dimana seharusnya washal.Jika kita membaca ayat yang berhubungan dengan janji buruk ( wa'id ) ,hendaklah kita berta'awwudz.Jika kita membaca ayat tasbih,maka bertasbihlah.Jika kita membaca ayat - ayat sajdah, Hendaklah bersujud. Dan bersungguh - sungguhlah dalam memperbagus suaramu untuk al Qur'an dan lantunkanlah dengan tenang ( jahar ).

Hal ini sesuai dengan sabda Rasulullah s.a.w ( arti )👇🏿;

#. Tidak lah Tuhan idzinkan untuk mendengarkan sesuatu sebagaimana Dia idzinkan kepada Nabi ,dalam hal memperbagus suara ,untuk melantunkan Al Qur'an dengan terang ," ( HR.Bukhari : 6/4735  & Muslim : 792 dari Abu Hurairah ).

✍🏿.Jadikanlah waktu malammu lebih luang untuk membaca al Qur'an dan Shalat malam, karena hal itu merupakan waktu pilihan dan kebaikan yang melimpah bagi orang- orang baik. 👉🏿.Sabda Nabi s.a.w ( arti )

#. Tidaklah ada hasad kecuali dalam dua perkara; ( diantaranya ) seseorang yang Allah berikan anugrah al Qur'an ,lalu dia selalu beramal denganya siang dan malam...( HR.Bukhari & HR.Muslim )

🖊️.Juga di perkuat oleh FirmanNya ( arti )
#. Dan pada sebagian malam hari bersembayang tahajudlah kamu sebagai suatu ibadah tambahan bagimu, Mudah - mudahan Tuhan-mu mengangkat kamu ke tempat yang Terpuji," ( QS: al Isra : 79 )

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Wawasan Islam Berintraksi dengan Al Qur'an


بسم الله الر خمن الر حبم


👉.Kewajiban Kita Terhadap al Qur'an

✔️. Hak al Qur'an sesungguhnya terhadap kita sangatlah besar ,demikian juga kewajiban kita terhadap al Qur'an sangatlah Agung.👇🏿

Diantara hak al Qur'an terhadap kita ;

 👉. Meyaqininya sesuai dengan pemahaman dan Aqidah Ahlus sunnah wal jama'ah bahwa al Qur'an ialah kalamullah yang diturunkan [ al Kalamul Munazzal ] dan dia bukan makhluq. Dari Allah al Qur'an bermula dan kepadaNya akan kembali.

👉. Menghormati al Qur'an sesuai kedudukannya,mengagungkan derajatnya ,memuliakanya dengan sempurna.Karena serta mencintainya dengan sempurna.Karena al Qur'an adalah firman Rabb kita ,maka mencintainya berarti mencintai dzat yang memfirmankanya.Abdullah bin Abbas r.a berkata "

#.Barang siapa yang ingin tahu ,apakah dirinya sudah mencintai Allah ,hendaklah ia mengukur dirinya sejauh mana ia telah mencintai al Qur'an
Maka apabila ia telah benar - benar mencintai al Qur'an maka ia telah mencintai Allah ,karena Al Qur'an adalah kalamullah.

👉. Mempelajari ,mengejarkan dan menda'wahkan [ ilmu - ilmu ] yang ada di dalam al Qur'an

Sabda Nabi s.a.w

خير كم من تعلم القران وعلمه[ روا٥ البخا ري ]
#.Sebaik - baiknya kalian adalah yang belajar al Qur'an dan mengajarkanya. ( HR.Bukhari, Abu Daud, Turmudzi)

Di terangkan pula bahwa hal ini sebaik- baik taqarrub dan ketaatan,  Berkata Shahabat Khabbab r.a ,"Bertaqarrublah kepada Allah semampunya ,sesungguhnya anda tidak akan dapat bertaqarrub kepadaNya dengan sesuatu yang lebih Dia cintai dari pada melantunkan kalamNya.

√.Bersungguh - sungguhlah saudaraku [ semoga Allah melindungimu ] dalam mempelajari ,tilawah, tajwid, dan makhrujul khurufnya,Rasullah s.a.w bersabda [ arti ]

#. Barang siapa yang mahir dalam al Qur'an akan bersama- sama dengan para malaikat yang mulia ,yang senantiasa berbuat baik ,sedangkan orang yang membaca al Qur'an dengan terbata - bata serta terasa berat, di berikan padanya dua pahala (HR.Bukhari dan Muslim )

✔️.Kemudian tidakkah merasa hina seorang muslim yang sampai tua dan beruban tidak bisa membaguskan tilawah Qur'anya ???

#. Bumi manakah yang akan aku pijak dan langit manakah yang akan aku naungi ,bila aku [ berani ] mengatakan tentang kitabullah yang aku sendiri tidak tau maksudnya.

Abu Bakar as Shiddiq r.a pernah berkata ketika beliau di tanya tentang ayat yang beliau sendiri tidak memahami kandunganya.

✔️.Sabda Nabi.s.a.w [ arti ]

#. Manusia pertama yang di adili pada hari kiamat adalah seorang yang mati syahid ia menghadap kepada Allah ,kemudian Allah memperlhatkan nikmat yang telah di karuniakan kepadanya. Allah bertanya ,"  Untuk apa engkau berbuat dalam hal ini ? " Ia menjawab ; Aku berperang untuk- Mu ,sehingga aku mati syahid," Lantas di jawab ,"Engkau dusta,sesungguhnya engkau berperang agar manusia mengatakan bahwa engkau seorang pemberani, kemudian Allah memerintahkan agar dia di seret dan dilemparkan ke neraka.Kemudian datanglah seseorang yang belajar al Qur'an dan mengajarkanya ,lalu Allah memperlihatkan nikmat yang telah di karuniakan kepadanya .Allah bertanya ,"Untuk apakah engkau berbuat dalam hal ini ?" Ia menjawab "Aku belajar dan mengajarkan ilmu yang kudapat serta membaca al Qur'an untuk-Mu.Allah menjawab; 'Engkau dusta ,sesungguhnya engkau belajar agar di katakan alim dan engkau membaca al Qur'an agar dikatakan seorang qari,' kemudian di perintahkan agar ia seret dan dilemparkan ke dalam neraka ( HR.Muslim & Abu Hurairah )

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Wawasan Islam [ Knowledge Islam


Wawasan Islam
1.Berinteraksi dg Al Qur'an
  1a.Memelihara Bacaanya

2.Wawasan Shiam
3.Wawasan Zakat

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Look Signs of Allah S W.T on the Butterfly


Surely we all often see a butterfly in your mind there will be admiration for such aesthetic forms, the beauty without the slightest flaw, charming colors and patterns.

Now think of a piece of cloth we usually use on clothes or jams. And suppose the wings of the butterfly are a very beautiful piece of cloth of good quality that has been woven with inspiration from this butterfly pattern. 

What would you think if you saw a cloth in a shop window? Perhaps, the existence of an artist, who has drawn these cloth patterns, takes the wings of an butterfly as inspiration when drawing them, appears in your mind, and you appreciate the art. In this situation, you must also respect this fact: the art that you admire does not belong to the person who drew the fabric pattern, took the butterfly as an example, but to God, who was the originator of the pattern and color of the butterfly's wings.

 Colorful butterfly wings with their very diverse patterns are an extraordinary manifestation of the colorful art of God. Just as the pattern on a piece of cloth does not come about by chance, so the colors and symmetry patterns on the wings are so perfect that it is impossible to happen by chance.

Apart from that, beautiful wings aren't the only striking butterfly features. Butterfly body design is also perfect in every way. Butterflies take food by sucking nectar from flowers. Most butterflies have a long organ called a proboscis which they use to reach enough fluids. 

Proboscis is a long tongue that is used to drink water or suck nectar from flowers. The butterfly rolls its long tongue in when not using it. This tongue can be three times the body length of a butterfly when opened.

Like other insects, butterflies also have a skeleton that covers the outer surface of their body. The outside or outside of this framework consists of hard plates connected by soft tissue, looking like a kind of armor. 

The hard material is called "chitin." The formation of this layer occurs through a very interesting process. As is commonly known, caterpillars go through a rather complicated process called metamorphosis. 

The first caterpillar becomes a pupa and then turns into a butterfly. During this metamorphosis process, slight changes occur in the wings, antennae, legs, and other body parts. Also, cells in different key areas such as flying muscles and wings rearrange themselves through each phase of metamorphosis. 

Furthermore, along with these changes, almost all systems in the body - the digestive system, the excretory system, the respiratory system, etc. - undergo a process of profound changes.

The diversity of designs that these butterflies possess, as many as their wings, belong to Allah, the Almighty. Allah is the One Who bestows every creature with the characteristics it needs. The Signs of Allah on the Butterfly

When you see a butterfly you will surely be filled with admiration for such an aesthetic appearance, a symmetry without the slightest flaw, enchanting colors and patterns. Now think of a piece of cloth. 

Suppose it is a very beautiful piece of cloth of good quality that has been woven with inspiration from this butterfly pattern. What would you think if you saw a cloth in a shop window? Perhaps, the existence of an artist, who has drawn these cloth patterns, takes the wings of an butterfly as inspiration 

when drawing them, appears in your mind, and you appreciate the art. In this situation, you must also respect this fact: the art that you admire does not belong to the person who drew the fabric pattern, took the butterfly as an example, but to God, who was the originator of the pattern and color of the butterfly's wings.

 Colorful butterfly wings with their very diverse patterns are an extraordinary manifestation of the colorful art of God. Just as the pattern on a piece of cloth does not come about by chance, so the colors and symmetry patterns on the wings are so perfect that it is impossible to happen by chance.

Apart from that, beautiful wings aren't the only striking butterfly features. Butterfly body design is also perfect in every way. Butterflies take food by sucking nectar from flowers. Most butterflies have a long organ called a proboscis which they use to reach enough fluids. Proboscis is a long tongue that is used to drink water or suck nectar from flowers. 

The butterfly rolls its long tongue in when not using it. This tongue can be three times the body length of a butterfly when opened.

Like other insects, butterflies also have a skeleton that covers the outer surface of their body. The outside or outside of this framework consists of hard plates which are connected by soft tissue.
By : https://islamcan.com/index.shtml

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Look Signs of Allah S.W.T in Ants


Ants live in colonies and a perfect division of labor exists amongst them. When we take a closer look at their systems, we shall also see that they have a pretty interesting social structure. It will also come to our attention that they are capable of sacrifice at a much higher level than humans are. One of the most interesting points is that - compared to humans - they do not know the concepts such as the rich-poor discrimination and the fight for power that are observed in our societies.

Many scientists, who for years have been doing extensive research on ants, have not been able to clarify the subject of their advanced social behavior. Caryle P. Haskins, Ph.D., the president of the Carnegie Institute at Washington has this to say:

After 60 years of observation and study, I still marvel at how sophisticated the ants' social behavior is. ...The ants thus make a beautiful model for our use in studying the roots of animal behavior. (National Geographic, vol.165, no.6, p. 775)

Some colonies of ants are so extensive with respect to population and living area, that it is impossible to explain how they can form a perfect order over such a vast area. Therefore, it is not easy not to concur with Dr. Haskins.

As an example of these large colonies we can give the species of ant, called Formica Yessensis that lives on the Ishikari coast of Hokkaido. This ant colony lives in 45,000 interconnected nests over an area of 2.7 square kilometers.

The colony, which is composed of approximately 1,080,000 queens and 306,000,000 workers, has been named the "Super colony" by the researchers. (Bert Holldobler-Edward O.Wilson, The Ants, Harvard University Press, 1990, p. 1.)
It has been discovered that all production tools and food are exchanged in an orderly fashion within the colony.

It is very hard to explain how the ants have maintained this order without any problems, considering the vast area they are living in.
 We must not forget that various security forces are needed for enforcing law and maintaining social order, even in a civilized country with a low population density. And there is an administrative staff leading and managing these units. Sometimes, it does not become possible to maintain the required order without problems despite all these intense efforts.

Yet in ant colonies there is no need felt for police, gendarmerie or guards. If we consider that actually the duty of the queens, whom we think of as the leaders of the colonies, is just to maintain the species, they do not have a leader or a governor. There is thus no hierarchy based on a chain of command amongst them. Then who is it that lays down this order and maintains its continuity?

The fact that ants can establish such a great and perfect order is proof that they are acting on the inspiration of a certain "supervisor". The verse below fully confirms that God is the master and supervisor of everything and that every living creature acts on His inspiration: I have put my trust in God, my Lord and your Lord. There is no living being He does not hold by the forelock and inspect! My Lord is on a straight path. (Surah Hud: 56)

Then ..
Examining the movement of the ant is thought provoking. It moves its infinitesimal legs in a sequential and extremely organised manner knowing perfectly which leg should take the first step and which the next. It moves very rapidly without faltering.

The Ant lifts crumbs much bigger than its body. It carries them to its nest with heart and soul. It travels distances that are very long in comparison to its tiny body. On featureless land, with no guide at its service, it can easily find its nest. Despite the entrance of the nest being too small even for us to find, it is not confused and finds it no matter where it is.

When one sees in the garden some ants, lined up one after the other, ardently toiling to carry food to their nest, one cannot stop wondering what kind of purpose these tiny living beings might have in working so hard.

Then one realises that not only does the ant carry food for itself, but also for other members of its colony, for the queen ant and baby ants. How such a tiny ant, which does not even have a developed brain, knows diligence, discipline and self-sacrifice is a point on which one needs to reflect.

 After pondering these facts, one reaches the following conclusion: ants, like all other living beings, act by the inspiration of Allah and obey His commands alone.
by : https://islamcan.com/signsofallah/signs-of-allah-in-ants.shtml

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Look Sickness reminding us of Allah


Sickness reminding us of Allah S.W.T
The main cause of flu is a virus so tiny as to be invisible to the naked eye. However, such a tiny organism is enough to cause a man of 60-70 kg to lose his strength, and make him so exhausted as to prevent him walking or talking. Most of the time, the pills we take or the meals we eat do not do any good. The only thing we can do is rest and wait. In the body, a war takes place in which we cannot intervene. We are tied hand and foot by a tiny organism. In such a situation, what we should first remember is the following verse of Allah, in which prophet Ibrahim says:

He Who created me and guides me;
He Who gives me food and gives me drink;
And when I am ill, it is He Who heals me;
He Who will cause my death, then give me life;
He Who I sincerely hope will forgive my mistakes on the Day of Reckoning.
My Lord, give me right judgments and unite me with the righteous. (Surat Ash-Shu'ara': 79-83)
By : https://islamcan.com/signsofallah/sickness-reminding-us-of-allah.shtml

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What if you find a watch in the sand?


Suppose you find a watch in the middle of a desert. What would you conclude? Would you think that someone dropped the watch? All the intricate working parts could not simply develop from the metals the lay buried in the earth. The watch must have a manufacturer.

If a watch tells accurate time we expect the manufacturer must be intelligent. Blind chance cannot produce a working watch.

Consider the sunrise and sunset. Their timings are so strictly regulated that scientists can publish in advance the sunrise and sunset times in your daily newspapers. But who regulates the timings of sunrise and sunset?

If a watch can not work without an intelligent maker, how can the sun appear to rise and set with such clockwork regularity? Consider also that we benefit from the sun only because it remains at a safe distance from the earth, a distance that averages 93 million miles.

If it got much closer the earth would burn up. And if it got too far away the earth would turn into an icy planet making human life here impossible. Without the sun plants would not grow. Then animals and humans would starve.

 The rays of the sun would be dangerous for us had it not been for the protective ozone layer in our atmosphere. The atmosphere around earth keeps the harmful ultraviolet rays from reaching us. We need to experience sunrise. We need the sun's energy and it's light to see our way during the day. But we also need sunset. We need a break from the heat, we need the cook of night and we need the lights to out so we may sleep. Who regulated this process to provide what we need?

Moreover, if we had only the sun and the protection of the atmosphere we would want something more-beauty. The creator who gave us light, energy, protection and beauty deserves our thanks. Yet some people insist that he does not exist.

What would they think if they found a watch in the desert? An accurate, working watch? A beautifully designed watch? An intelligent watchmaker? One who appreciates beauty? SubhanAllah! by https://islamcan.com/signsofallah/what-if-you-find-a-watch-in-the-sand.shtml

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Look at Your Nails


The miracle of what we need to think about our nails, if they are cut when long it doesn't hurt like an inanimate object but in fact it is alive, just look at your nails in one week it will grow longer, this is a sign that it lives.

 And remember the creator, Allah SWT, may Allah  be glorified, has created our nails perfectly. Look at your nails now and see the signs of Allah in them.

If nails are hard as bones, they will damage our skin when we scratch. At the same time, the nails are not so soft that we can't get rid of the itching when we scratch. God has made nails in such a way that they do not damage our skin when we scratch and at the same time make it hard enough to get rid of itching. Subhan Allah

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Signs of Allah S.W.T in Dreams


Signs of Allah s.w.t  in Dreams
Islam tells us that a person in the grave is either enjoying a peaceful stay or going through punishments depending on his/her deeds.

However, many people doubt this fact. This is due to the reason that when a grave is dug, we do not see any fire burning people or gigantic snakes biting dead bodies. All we see are bones mixed with soil. Well, then where is the punishment or peace? Whether we can see it or not, the promise of Allah is true.

Allah gave us many things to understand things better. He tells us that there are signs in His creations for those who think. To understand this particular issue (grave) better, we can examine our dreams. Say, a person is sleeping right beside you. He is seeing a dream where some people are trying to kill him.

They catch him and starts beating him. Finally, they take out a gun and shoots him. You are sitting beside this sleeping individual, but you do not see any of these things. However, he is experiencing all these things, it's just you cannot see. The same way, that individual in the grave is going through all the things that are promised by Allah, it's just we cannot see.

There are important purposes in dreams for someone who reflects. Such a person thinks about how "realistic" the dreams are that he sees while asleep, which in that way are no different in their realism from the moment he awakes. For instance, despite one person's body lying on the bed,

in dream he went on business trips, met new people, and had lunch while listening to music. He enjoyed the taste of his meal, danced to the music, became excited because of the incidents that happened, became happy and unhappy, was afraid and felt tired.

 He could even have driven a vehicle that he had not previously driven until that day and did not even know how to drive.So, you can experience, see, touch, hear and taste things that are not only real but also things that are unreal.

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Allah's S.W.T Signature on Mountains


Allah's Signature on Mountains
Unfortunately, today many of the "smartest" people of this world deny the existence of God. Suppose one of them walks by a mountain and see that there is a tent on top of the mountain. You and I also won't think that some sticks came and dug themselves on the ground and then a cloth flew to it to form the tent.

We think that the small and simple tent on the mountain cannot form itself but we think that the huge mountain
underneath the tent was formed by itself! Verily Allah is the creator of all things. Allah says in Surah Qaf Al Quran (50:7) "And the earth! 

We have spread it out, and set thereon mountains standing firm, and have produced therein every kind of lovely growth (plants)."

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Look Signs of Allah S.W.T in Eating a Fish


Signs of Allah in Eating a Fish
Let's say that your mother cooked a fish for you to eat and you are living in Canada and this fish came from Bangladesh. Now Allah tells us to look at our food to see where it came from, how it came from, how it was created, etc. Allah created this fish in a river of Bangladesh. Then Allah gave it food and looked after it so that it grows up. At one time, Allah caused a fisherman to catch the fish and sell it to a foreign export company. Then Allah caused the company to send the fish all the way to Canada. In Canada, someone went and bought that fish from a store ( Allah tells us in the Quran: Then let man look at his food (80:24).

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Look Signs of Allah in clouds


Allah S.W.T is almighty the creator and the Most Who knows that we need water. As a result, He created systems in the sky that produce water even when we talk, read, sleep, work, and do other activities. This system is seen by us through the clouds.

Clouds are a wonderful creation of God. Let's compare clouds and airplanes. Planes have special shapes and designs. If one of its wings is broken, then the plane crashed. Airplanes are very heavy objects, however, the clouds are even heavier. On average cumulonimbus clouds contain enough water to fill 10,000 swimming pools! In addition, the clouds give us shade during the sunny days and let's see the beautiful scenery even in the sky

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Looks Signs of Allah in Our Eyes


What comes to your mind first when you hear the word "eye"? Are you aware that one of the most crucial things in life for you is your ability to see? Even if you are, have you ever thought what other signs your eye bears?

The eye is one of the most manifest pieces of evidence that living creatures are created. All sight organs, including animal eyes and the human eye, are extremely striking examples of perfect design. This exceptional organ is so overwhelmingly complex that it surpasses even the most sophisticated man-made devices in the world.

In order for an eye to see, all of its parts have to co-exist and work in harmony. For instance, if an eye happened to have lost its eyelid, but still had all the other parts such as the cornea, conjunctiva, iris, pupil, eye lenses, retina, choroid, eye muscles, and tear glands, it would still be greatly damaged and soon lose its seeing function.

In the same manner, even if all its organelles were present, if the tear production were stopped, the eye would soon dry out and become blind.

"The chain of coincidences" posited by evolutionists loses all its meaning against the complex structure of the eye. It is not possible to explain the existence of the eye other than as a matter of special creation. The eye has a multi-sectioned complex system and, as discussed above, all of these individual sections had to come into existence at the same time. It is impossible for a half-developed eye to function at "half capacity". In such a circumstance, the act of seeing can by no means take place. An evolutionist scientist admits to this truth:

The common trait of the eyes and the wings is that they can only function if they are fully developed. In other words, a halfway-developed eye cannot see; a bird with half-formed wings cannot fly.

In this case, we again face that very important question: who created all of the components of the eye all at once?

The owner of the eyes is obviously not the one who makes the decision about their formation. For it is impossible for a being devoid of the knowledge of what seeing is like, to desire to have a seeing organ and have it attached to his body.

So we have to accept the existence of a Possessor of superior Wisdom Who has created living beings with senses such as seeing, hearing, and so on.

Another claim is that unconscious cells gained consciousness-requiring functions such as seeing and hearing by their own desire and effort. It is crystal clear that this is impossible.

In the Qur'an, it is stated that seeing has been bestowed upon living beings by God:
Say: He it is Who brought you into being and made for you the ears and the eyes and the hearts: little is it that you give thanks. (The Qur'an, 67:23)

Our eyes are taking 10 pictures per second. So on a daily basis, the eyes are constantly taking 576,000 pictures if a person sleeps for 8 hours. Which camera in this world can continue to function for years and years without being electronically charged like the eyes? There are diseases which prevent a person from blinking by causing the eye lids not to open or close. The people suffering from such diseases trully understand the value of blinking. Let us thank Allah for allowing us to blink over 10,000 times a day without paying a dollar. by :http://www.islamcan.com/signsofallah/signs-of-allah-in-our-eyes.shtml


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Looks Signs of Allah in clouds


Allah knows that we need water. As a result, He created a system in the sky that produces water even as we talk, read, sleep, work and do other activities. This system is visible to us through the clouds.

Clouds are amazing creations of Allah. At least once in our lifetime we look at an airplane and say "Wow, how can that big thing fly in the sky?" But did we ever look at the clouds and wonder how they remain in the sky? Let's compare the clouds and the airplanes. The airplanes have specific shapes and designs.

 If one of their wings break down, then the plane crashes. The airplanes are very heavy objects, however, the clouds are even heavier. An average cumulonimbus cloud contain enough water to fill 10,000 swimming pools! Moreover, clouds provide us with shade during sunny days and let's us see beautiful scenaries even in the sky. Did you ever thank Allah for these blessings?

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Looks Signs of Allah in Our Tongues


Have you ever wondered about your tongue? Allah Ta'ala gave each of us one tongue. But this one tongue is able to taste thousands of different types of food and drinks.

If our taste buds on the tongue were to become inactive, we would not know the difference between an orange or a stone.

Moreover, like finger print, everyone has a different tongue print.
Relative to its size, tongue is also the strongest muscle in the human body.

 strongest muscle of our body, the tongue, has been created by Allah for us to glorify Him. Trully, with the help of this tongue, we are able to recite the Glorious Quran and talk about Allah's Greatness. Let us not spoil the tongue by backbiting, slandering and lying.

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Look Signs of Allah in Honey Bees


The bactericide (bacteria-killing) property of honey is named "the inhibition effect". Experiments conducted on honey show that its bactericide properties increase twofold when diluted with water. 

It is very interesting to note that newly born bees in the colony are nourished with diluted honey by the bees responsible for their supervision - as if they know this feature of the honey.

When a flower has already been visited, the honeybee can understand that another bee has earlier consumed the nectar of that flower, and leave the flower immediately. 

Well, how does the bee understand, without checking the flower, that the nectar has earlier been consumed? Whenever a new bee looks in on the same flower, it smells the scent and understands that the flower is of no use and so goes on towards another flower. Thus, bees do not waste time on the same flower.

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