Look Signs of Allah S.W.T Snowflakes


It is estimated that a single cubic meter of snow holds about 350 million snowflakes! These flakes are all hexagonal and have crystal-like structures. However, each one of them possesses a unique shape. Every bit of information that is gained reveals another magnificent mastery present in the snowflakes.
The variety and perfection of the hexagonal structure of snowflakes is a manifestation of Allah's status as the Originator (al-Badi). The formation of snowflakes constitutes yet another aspect of Allah's endless artistry.

These thin, sm
all flakes look like multi-pointed stars or tiny needle heads. For years, the orderly structure of snowflakes has caught people's attention. Since 1945, research has been carried out in a quest to discover which factors give the final shape to the crystals.

A single snowflake is a pile of crystals consisting of more than 200 ice crystals. Snowflakes are made up of water molecules that are shaped in a perfect order. Snowflakes, one of nature's true architectural wonders, are shaped when water vapor gets cold while passing through clouds. Each snowflake at first consists of a single hexagonal water molecule, then other hexagonal water molecules come and attach to this first piece.

According to experts on the subject, the basic factor that determines the shape of a snowflake is that these hexagonal water molecules are joined together just like links in a chain.