Moon Song - Rude Awakening by Taina Chapter 4
THE INSTANT feeling of something soft skimmed against my
collar bone, and I smiled with my eyes closed. A rush of endorphin's traveled
through my system as it roamed down the side of my left arm. I was caught
between fire and ice, a raw sense of apprehension fevered my skin and I felt
elated at the same time.
My body moved in sync with its touch, and I could hear
a hissing sound coming from my ear.
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion when something made a rattling noise. What
the hell? When I opened my eyes to see what all the fuss was about, I instantly
froze. Hovering mere inches from my face was a very slimy, very pissed off
snake with its split tongue flicking out every time it hissed.
I couldn't for the life of me scream, for fear of startling what looked like a poisonous snake, into biting me. I’d learned enough to know one bite would send me into a coma and then some. Still, my heart rate was protesting a yelp out of me, and my eyes were ready to pop out if my heart didn't beat them to it. Oh God! Maybe Satchel didn't have to worry about finding me a mate after all; I’d certainly die before I get my own ceremony.

I couldn't for the life of me scream, for fear of startling what looked like a poisonous snake, into biting me. I’d learned enough to know one bite would send me into a coma and then some. Still, my heart rate was protesting a yelp out of me, and my eyes were ready to pop out if my heart didn't beat them to it. Oh God! Maybe Satchel didn't have to worry about finding me a mate after all; I’d certainly die before I get my own ceremony.
The thought died on my lips when a flash of movement caught my periphery. One minute the snake was seconds away from pouncing on me, and the next thing I see, it was in the air hanging from the strong hands of Cairo. His fingers strangled around the neck with its venom seeping out of its fangs.
If I wasn’t already panicking, now I was frothing at the mouth with terror. I shot up out of bed, making it apparent to stay at least ten feet away from the monster. Well, as far away as the confined space of a bomb shelter allowed me to, anyway.
“Now what did I tell you about scaring the guest, Dino?” Cairo scolded the snake as if he were his own child getting caught doing something he shouldn’t. My eyebrows reached the top of my hairline in clear astonishment.
“You did not just talk to that monster like it was a pet,” I said incredulously, planting my backside to the far wall.
Cairo looked seriously offended by my comment. “Pet? Don’t let him hear you say that,” he reprimanded mockingly, and kissed the snake at the top of its head.
“Oh my God, you’re insane,” I breathed; almost face planting against the wall when he lifted the snake up to my face in greeting. “She didn’t mean it, Dino.”
I blinked, and stared some more when he placed the snake into its terrarium that I noticed was sitting on the floor near the blackened pit of ashes; the ghost of last night’s fire. When he put the lid on it, my shoulders relaxed slightly, even though my nerves were still on high alert.
“What is that?!”
He raised his eyebrows. “A snake.”
I gave him a dry look that said ‘duh’. “I know that, but why is it here? I mean, it’s not even human.”
“We’re not human.”
I stressed the bottom of my lips with my teeth, and shrugged. “Okay, you have a point, but it still doesn’t explain why you have it here, when it could’ve attacked me.”
“Dino, wasn’t going to attack you,” he said defensively,“Besides, he’s harmless, I assure you. Don’t be fooled by the way he looks.”
My frowned deepened, and I was lost in a trance at the way he said that last statement. As if those words hit close to home.
I nodded, deciding to trust his judgement, even though I refused to walk anywhere near the boxed creature; a rude awakening that I was unfortunate to have woken up to, and in light of the situation, I managed a smile. Because Cairo obviously had a soft spot for the creature.
“What?” he asked curiously.
I shook my head. “Nothing.”
He cut me a discerning look, “You’re a terrible liar. Spill it.”
Shrugging, I pinned my eyes on the snake he said was ‘harmless’. “It’s just that, I would have never pegged you to have a snake as a companion. From the amount of gossip that travels in these woods about you, this one didn’t even come up.”
He cocked an eyebrow and smirked. “Yeah well, if you would’ve told me I’d be hosting a beautiful woman in my bachelor pad, I wouldn’t have believed you, either.”
My smile faded, as his words circulated in my mind. And though I knew I
shouldn’t have let his comment go to my head, I couldn’t help it. The
compliment making my insides form into mush, I was gliding on a slippery slope,
trying to find my footing. He must have noticed what he had said, because he
cleared his throat a couple of times as if what he said could be taken back.
But it was too late, the words already left his lips, and I’ll be damned
‘Cairo-King-of-the-sullen-scowl’ was blushing.
For fear of ruining the moment, and quite possibly embarrassing him even more, I shrugged nonchalantly. “Not the worst I’ve been called,” I said, trying to make light of the situation. Despite the fact that my heart rate had picked up rapidly, and all I wanted to do was stare in his smoldering brown eyes intently while he whispered sweet nothings in my ear…okay, so what if my mind was delusional, a girl could dream, right?
Our eyes met in a silent dual, I could feel every sensation liven up in my body at the instant attention.
That familiar humming noise was more prominent now; that
always seemed to summon whenever he was near. I decided I liked that feeling. I
felt the need to grab a hold of it, and never letting it go. Of course, my
irrational thoughts encouraged me to go to him, and devour his lips, but I knew
better. I wasn’t sure I could deal with the rejection if he didn’t want it,
more so, I’m not sure if I could handle it if he did want it.
Ugh! I was confused, and I really wish I had Willow here to confide in, because I knew next to nothing when it came to boys. Especially boys of Cairo’s nature…whatever that meant.
“Come on, get dressed. I’m starving.” Cairo’s low voice snapped me back to the presence.
I nodded, finding a neat pile of my clothing sitting by my bag, while he shrugged his backpack on his shoulders heading for the trapdoor.
“Wait! Aren’t you going to take…?” I grimaced over the terrarium with the snake slithering from one side to the other, minding its own business, “Dino?”
Cairo shot an amused look over his shoulders, shaking his head. “Nah, he’s good. Although it pays to keep an eye on him, he’s mastered the art of escaping that thing, as you’ve seen.”
My face contorted into one of shock, I was sure I was on the verge of having an aneurysm. I tried to ignore the light chuckle coming from Cairo, as he touched my shoulder. “Relax, I was kidding.”
“You know what? I think I’ll get dressed on my way out, I’m not letting you leave me alone here with T-Rex.”
He was shaking his head in amusement, pushing open the trap door, and I could almost swear he was mumbling something that involved my name, and the fact that I was ‘such a girl’.
Hiking through the forest early in the morning was refreshing. The crisp smell of pine; eucalyptus, orchids, and the cold lap of gentle wind that gliding in the breeze.It was the best time of the day for me, and always managed to clear my head.Right now, having a silent companion like Cairo was exactly what I needed. Conversation wasn’t something I was searching for at the moment; just being able to bask in nature’s beauty was enough for me. Despite last night’s storm, there didn’t seem to be much damage done as far as I could see, but brown pools had formed in ditches that were otherwise damp, and I could just spot a couple of tree branches strewn here and there.
The sludgy surface made walking difficult, not to mention Cairo’s long strides had me stumbling to keep up. Every now and then, he’d stop and shoot a look over his shoulder as if he were keeping track of my progress. I couldn’t help but groan and curse when I lost my footing. I was sure he was thinking I should’ve stayed back there with Dino the snake. Like hell I was that stupid, I wasn’t going to be Snake food if I could help it.
After an hour of walking, my legs were starting to itch for a break.
“Where are you taking me?” I said, deciding to break the silence in the air, “Because if it’s to kill me, you missed the turn off,” I panted, trying my hardest to catch my breath.
He chuckled, and it sent a wave of giddiness through my spine. I’d never seen him smile so much, and I couldn’t help but wonder if I was the cause of this smiling, happy Cairo. If I was, then I planned on making it happen more often. “We’re going to find breakfast.”
Now that’s what I wanted to hear. Wait, what? If we wanted to hunt for breakfast, why aren’t we in wolf form? I expressed this to Cairo, but he just smirked and said, “That’s too easy. I like a challenge.”
I rolled my eyes at the back of him. “Men,” I mumbled under my breath. Abruptly, I came to a halt, absently defying gravity when a huge bank appeared in front of me. Cairo climbed it as if he’d conquered Mount Everest once upon a time. Me? Well I was still standing the base of it, getting tired just thinking about climbing the damn thing.
“What are you waiting for?”
I looked at the bank, and then up at him and scowled. “I was kind of hoping you would hand me a flight of stairs.”
He nodded for me to climb up, gesturing me to hurry with a wave of his hand. I shook my head, completely skeptical of the fact that I could climb that slimy slope. But I didn’t want to look like I couldn’t do it, especially in front of Cairo. There was something about his stare that challenged me to do it.
As soon as I conjured up the courage, I mounted the slope, clawing at the sludge for leverage, only to have myself visibly skiing upright like a skier gone mad. I looked like I was walking on a treadmill, only this one went downhill.
My face puffed out white cold air, as the sun bathed my reddened face. I felt like the birds were mocking me with their songs, and insects buzzing with laughter. Still, I kept my game face on, and soldiered on.
After what felt like the hundredth try, but was only probably my third, I caved.
“I give up,” I relented, swiping away invisible sweat on my brows.
“Those are three words that shouldn’t be in anybody’s vocabulary. Come on, get up.’
I shook my head. “Not gonna happen. Besides, it’s easier for you, you’ve got what it takes, I don’t.”
He knelt down on his haunches, frowning down at me. “I’ve grown up as an outcast not only in my own family, but my own pack. Majority of the time, I’ve had to rely on myself. Was it easy? Hell no! Did it become easier? Yes, I just had to work harder to get there.”
I looked up at him, obscuring the sun out of my eyes with my hands. “Why were you an outcast from your family?”
His jaws tensed, and his stare hardened. “Not even gonna go there.”
“Why don’t you let anyone in?” I asked a second later.
His brown eyes glared, and he gritted his teeth. “You know what? If you track back now, you’d be in time to have breakfast with the pack. It sure as hell beats the shit out of having you as company, and whatever you do, don’t follow me,” he bit out on a hiss. The warning so clear in his voice, I had to step back afraid I’d get blown away from the aftermath.
He stood up abruptly, and turned to leave in the opposite direction. Stomped off was more like it. I was stunned speechless, obviously realizing I’d overstepped my boundaries by asking him that question. I silently scolded myself, and called out for him, but he didn’t turn back. I could smell his fury from here.
My mind was reeling, hating the fact that I’d spruced up the side of Cairo that I didn’t like. But I couldn’t leave it there; I had to make it right. With that on my mind, I mounted the slope again, and even though it took me a few tries to really find my footing, I managed to pull myself up until I couldn’t feel anything in my biceps, my legs, and my fingers.
Finally, I shuffled to the top, and steadied myself on the top of the back when I felt dizzy spells spring to the surface as I peered down the slope. From my view point, I felt like I was actually on the top of MT. Everest. I never knew how high it was, until I was up here. I had to swallow a few fears before I managed to get to my feet, and follow Cairo’s scent through the trees.
His scent was disappearing, making me jog, until he’d completely gone out of sight. My sense of smell dimming, and no longer had the sweet honey suckle smell in the air. I sighed, searching far and wide for him.
Calling his name proved to be useless, and I threw my hands up in exasperation. Great! Now I’ve made him mad. And exhausted myself into starvation. God! What did I say that warranted this kind of behavior? Except, I wasn’t sure why I even cared, and why the hell was I mulling over thoughts of wanting to smack myself for the intrusion. I always knew I had a mouth on me, but damn, the look in Cairo’s eyes was heart wrenching enough, and only I could find the words that could make others scurry faster than I liked to admit. What was wrong with me?
That’s when a prickling sensation crawled up my mind when a pungent smell wafted through my nose. The smell throwing me off balance, I had to steady myself on a near by branch. I frowned, when the sensation passed, as I took my leave and went to search for Cairo. But instead, I was met with piercing blue eyes, ones that held both lust and wonder in them. I couldn’t deny the fact that he was good looking. Painfully good looking, as he regarded me with perceptive eyes, ones that held a kind of relentless tone to them. His stark black hair spiked in every which way, and his a glare caught my attention at the ice that was pierced in his left eyebrow.
His lips lifted in a sly smirk, giving his features a soft glow. He couldn’t be any older than me. “I knew I could smell something enticing. The distinct red rose perfume in the air seemed a little early to be in season.”
I blinked, feeling like I should call out to Cairo, but then my lips smacked shut on that front when I could hear that small voice in my head, replaying Cairo’s words back at me like some kind of torture device. It sure as hell beats the shit out of having you as company. Maybe he was right. Maybe everything that had transpired between us had been all in my head. If only I could persuade that instant hum in my chest that was rattling every time Cairo made his way into my mind. I really needed to ask Willow about that one.
I willed my eyes to focus back on the intruder about ten feet away from me. My warning bells shooting up on high alert at the instant realization that I was alone, and unguarded. His arms went up in a warning off gesture. “Don’t be alarmed, I’m just here for the fresh deer.”
My eyes skittered over to the movement in my left, and spotted a lone deer lapping at the small current that ran through that showed to be the remnants of last nights storm. I could feel his eyes on me again, and as I settled mine back on his, he smiled.
“You want to play cat and mouse?” he asked abruptly.
I frowned in confusion, until he nodded over at the doe in the distance. His smile growing wider. “I’ll chase its tail, while you go in for the kill.”
If my eyebrows could reach any higher, they’ll be over my hairline.
“Oh come on, nothing’s better than a kill in the morning. I’ll even let you have the first bite, and then I’ll have the rest.”
I supposed my stomach was growling in anticipation. And he was right about one thing: There was nothing better than having first dibs on a kill, even if it was my own. Law had it that Alpha and its female Alpha had first dibs at the kill. No matter who’s kill it was, they got first priority. It dawned on me that I’d never had the chance to kill to even call my own. Not to mention, having the first bite. I was always third in line. And after Satchel had at it, that meant last. My lips curled in anticipation.
“If I decide to save you any,” I said on a whim.
He smiled, “Touché.”
Even though I didn’t trust the guy, I was starving. This mornings escapade had exhausted me, but as the thought of changing into wolf summon my instincts, I was intrigued. It felt like I hadn’t stretched my legs in a while, and it had only been a day.
Still, my gut instincts were protesting with me to get out and leave. I couldn't distinguish his scent, because the pungent smell of wolfs-bane was too strong. Wolfs-bane was a myth legend that served as a kind of plant that was toxic to werewolves. But instead, it was a healing plant that was used to heal silver shot wounds, assumed that the bullet is plucked out of your system before the silver spread to your vital organs. He must have been shot. That was the only explanation for the wolfs-bane. He reeked of the stuff.
“I’ll change as soon as you do,” I prompted the guy.
He smiled and nodded, stepping out of his clothes like I didn’t even exist. I let my eyes settle on something else, while he did so, and when it was my turn, I urged him to turn around. He did, giving me some privacy, and I let my mind summon my wolf.
On my knees, I felt the soil underneath my bare knees and palms, and I fisted a huge amount, when a shudder brought me to awareness. My bones cracking, and I could hear his doing the same. Both of us transforming into our true inner selves. Baring to the world what the Moon Mother blessed us with. His coat spread all over him. His legs and belly the color of pure white, while the back and his face covered in the darkest black. His blue eyes almost icy, staring over at me. And then the hunt was on, as soon as a red tinge coated my skin, and a muzzle formed. A stretch or two later, I was gunning for the my target: The deer, right in my line of sight. I heard a panting behind me, that egged me on further.
Crawl up on the left, and I’ll take the right.
I did, and surveyed the area. My eyes pinned on the rear end of the deer. When movement said that it was chewing, I crawled closer. Using my stealth that Satchel had taught me some months ago.
Now’s your chance! he said.
I pounced right on the back of the deer, clawing at it to keep it trapped. The moment I landed, that’s when a net wrapped around me and the deer, and we both fell through the ground, free falling though the soil that seemed like it had just gave way.
The hard thump to the ground was what knocked the breath out of me, and the deer cushioned my fall, but the impact forced a howl out of my lips. That’s when it dawned on me when the realization hit me right to the core: I was trapped in what looked like a long way away from the top. I had to be deep underground. Merely twenty feet away from any chance of escape. The deer was dead. It died on impact.
I had enough time to look up to see a crowd of wolves that I’d seen before. The pungent smell of wolfs-bane wearing off now that I had my wolf senses on high alert, that I’d obviously ignored ten seconds ago. There was that distinct smoky cedar smell coming from them. And that’s when I froze.
They were the ones
that had chased my tail the other morning, and the sly looks on those wolves
faces made me shiver.
That was way too easy, the wolf with piercing blue eyes said though his mind as he looked down on me.
God! I was so stupid. I’d lost my mind, and my rational thoughts. And now, I’d just gotten myself into another mess.
That was way too easy, the wolf with piercing blue eyes said though his mind as he looked down on me.
God! I was so stupid. I’d lost my mind, and my rational thoughts. And now, I’d just gotten myself into another mess.
I squeezed my eyes shut, and howled, trying to call for my pack. But the hole was covered, and my world instantly turned black.
View next Chapter Bellow by Tania
Chapter 1: Prologue by Tainia
Chapter 2: Wolf Scent by Tainia
Chapter 3: Marking Territory by Tainia
Chapter 4: Rude Awakening by Tainia
Chapter 5: Stolen Oath by Tainia