Appreciative Listening
Appreciative listening is a type of listening behavior where the
listener seeks certain information which they will appreciate, for example that
which helps meet his/her needs and goals. One uses appreciative listening when
listening to good music, poetry or maybe even the stirring words of a great
It involves listening to music that one enjoys, people the listener likes to
listen to because of their style and the choices the listener make in the films
and television he/she watches, radio programmes and plays and musicals in the
theatre. Unlike informative listening or relationship listening, appreciative
listening does not rely on the message from the speaker it is how one responds
as a listener.
Appreciative Listening: How it Can Increase Your Sense of Self
The value of good listening cannot
be overstated. It can create a more secure home environment, in which good
listening will help to strengthen bonds between family members. Engaging in the
act of listening can be used to help you relax and enjoy yourself in a variety
of situations.
Appreciative Listening
Appreciative listening is one of the
5 types of listening – you can sign up for this
course to learn more about that topic. The other four types are discriminative,
comprehensive, relationship, and critical listening. Each affects the way you,
the listener, behave.
Appreciative listening is a
particular listening behavior defined by when a person seeks out and listens to
certain auditory information that they will personally appreciate or like. Sometimes
appreciative listening serves a need, such as listening to meditation seminars in order to self heal or fall
asleep easier. Sometimes appreciative listening is just about setting aside the
time for yourself to listen to what you enjoy, and nothing more.
all, appreciative listening is about you. Unlike informative or relationship
listening, appreciative listening does not rely on any given message from the
speaker. If one of the goals of your appreciative listening is to broaden your
knowledge of a style of music, spoken word, or other auditory experience you
will likely come across some listening materials that you don’t enjoy as well
as others.
Three Factors of Appreciative Listening
Appreciative listening is
subjective. Rather than judge the material you’re listening to by the way it
affects others, or by other’s opinions of the material, understanding
appreciative listening begins with understanding three factors: presentation,
perception, and previous experience.
Presentation refers to the medium in which a material is presented. For example, hearing classical music in a large concert hall is a very different experience from listening to it on a stereo system in your home or car.
One person might find they love
listening to live music and another might enjoy the exact opposite.
temperature and size of a space can affect the way you listen as well. This
delivery affects the way the listener perceives the music, but does not change
the act or type of listening.
Perception is important when considering appreciative listening. A
listener’s opinion (or appreciation) of what they are hearing may change
between presentations of the material, and can even change over the course of
listening. An example might be listening to a great speech. A listener must
listen to lots of music and familiarize themselves with the different forms in
order to identify what they appreciate and what they don’t.
Previous experience informs appreciative listening in a way similar to
perception. By finding more things you appreciate you develop your listening
skills in addition to broadening your cultural horizons.
If your personal goal is to relax,
then listening to more challenging materials might not be right for you.
The overall point of appreciative
listening is simply that – appreciation. Knowing why you are listening and
appreciating what you are listening to can lead to a very enjoyable experience.
Being aware of these factors will help you avoid feeling as if appreciative
listening is a chore, something it should never be. As a listener you should be
conscious of what you are listening to. Learning
conscious listening, something you can do in this Udemy course, can help you become more aware of what
you are actually hearing whenever you listen to any type of materials.