Speech Celebration On National Education Day Remembrance
Peace be unto you and Allah's mercy and blessing as well
Audience who we fully respect.
Nowadays exactly on the 2nd of May, we are together assembling here to commemorate the National Education Day which is the historic day for Indonesian people. I say, the historic day is for we are as freedom people, the education here taken an important role in case of forwarding and developing mind people's life. At that time, Indonesian people were not struggle against colonization, but also against the illiteracy of their own people. Therefore, we are as the Indonesian citizen when having opportunity have to follow education.
Prophet Muhammad SAW said meaning such a way that the biggest criminal above the earth is illiteracy. In the Cristian, there is one written act saying that" love your God with your heart in your life by your mind. So, it is clear that any religions want no followers living under suppress of illiteracy. How can we love God and take a five time prayer. If was have no literacy, so the education makes us and the generation obligatory to the generation obligatory to take the future.
The audience whom we fully respect.
Realizing that the developed people are mirrored in their education level. With high education level, hopefully, they are able to make high working productivity. Heaving high productivity means more income.
Indonesian in colonization, the education held by the Dutch government was just for for the need of the the Dutch government. While for those non able class were forbidden to follow. As a result, our people had got illiteracy and the colonization made the situation to remain colonize and exploit Indonesian natural resource. With this illiteracy, the Dutch benefited the people to employ to be hard labors to work for the colonial owned plantation.
He was Ki Hajar Dewantara who who with his high spirit and nationalism pioneering, national education. He has his confidence and further insight that to build nation and state need intelligent and skill could be obtained through continous national education.
According to him, education was not just for some certain - class members' and the well's needs only, but each person has the same right in accessing education disregarding the title and class. That's why he founded schools to struggle for Indonesian people's right and prestige through education. There appeared many nation forerunner generations, who eventually were able to wake up chasing colonials away from our beloved country, Indonesian.
Recently, his result from struggle ave appeared with more schools standing as if the rainy mushrooms. Indonesian people were more aware how important is the education. But unfortunately . the present education can just provide quantity and total graduation. Instead of this, we are as the generation should alawys increase education quality by learning many things continuously, Don't be satisfied only by receiving education from schools but pursuing knowledge even abroad. Then return home to build people and state, because your country need you much your capable skill, professional, strong and self standing, so the nation degree and prestige can be paralleled to other nations all over the world. Don't be just a laborer nation who can export lower quality labor forces, as those in the sectors of plantation or household maids only.
Audience whom we fully repect
before finishing this remark, please my request to be considered that if the younger generation have got more intelligence from following education, don't use your intelligence to cheat and suppress others. Train and educate the sillies to be more intelligence ones. Don't use your intelligence for your own needs but devote your knowledge and science and skill for people's needs .
Therefore, nation's gooal for crystallizing fair and prosper people base on Pancasila ( The Five Prinsiple and Constitution of 1945 can son be obstained.
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Such is the case of my short remark, hopefully, it will; be beneficial for us and my mistake may trouble you, please forgive me. Happy studying and struggling
Thanks.... and peace be with you and God's blessings