Short Essay Text Descriptive


Teks deskiptif ( descriptive ) adalah teks yang di gunakan untuk menggambarkan tempat orang atau benda tertentu, teks ini hampir sama dengan teks report. Ciri yang membedakan keduanya adalah teks descriptive fokus pada hal tertentu. Sementara itu teks report pada yang lebih umum Contoh teks deskriptif antara lain : ensiklopedia, teks historis dan majalah.

Goal / Purpose of Text :
To describe a particular phenomenon of people , thing and landscape

Generic Structure :
Identification : introduce who, where or what is beieng descibed
Description  :
Part  : Size, volome body
Quality : standard, superiority
Character : attitude behavior act 

Language Feature

a. Pronouns I, you, He She, We, They
b. Nouns : book, shirt , table etc.
c. Noun Phrases, white house, green house, global warning, etc
d. Adjectives, hot blue, lazy beautiful etc.
e. Perposition in at on under in front of
f. Adverbs, eagerly, happily now
g. Linking verbs is am are.
h. Present tense ome, visit get
i. Atribute has have.
Berlatih Soal Tipe UN
The Following text is for questions 1,2,3,4 and 5
Located in East Africa, with a coast on the Indian Ocean, Kenya is vast country of 1/2 million square kilometers. It is about as big as Texas, and has about 21/2 million more people than taht state. It stentches from the sea with its sandy beaches, across the plains and forest land, to the mountains which rise to height of over 5.000 meters. The capital, Nairobi, which is less than a hundred years old, is the mosth important business and conference center in Africa. The climate is very pleasant, althought there are heavy rains in April, May, and June. This type of weather is particularly suitable for growing bananas, sugar, cotton, tea, and above  all, coffee, Much of these products is taken to Mombasa, the largest port in the country, and exported  to all over the world.

Most tourists come to see the wonderful national game parks, taking safari tours through the bush to see the scenery and the wildlife elephants, lions, giraffes and monkey s. There are also plenty of opportunities for fishing or relaxing on the beach. About 97 percent of Kenya's people are Africans, They are split among the 40 widely varying groups, or tribes. The kikuyu, Kamba, Luliya, Lua, Kisii, and Kelenjin speaking people each with about a million or more members, are the largest groups. These people are farmers. Cattle herders such at the Masi in the populations, Most of them heard their cattle on the open plains in seach of grass and water. These people wander from place to place with thier herds of cattle.
Most of the 140.000  Indians in Kenya live in the cities, Over 40.000 Europeans most of them Britsh live in Kenya . Most of the Europeans work in the cities as professionals or managers or in wholesale trade nearly 28.000 Arabs live along the coast. 
1. The Population of Kenya is mostly
a. Arabians
b. British
c. Indians
d. Africans
e. Europeans
Seperti yang sudah tertera pada teks, kalimat "Abaout 97 present of Kenya's people are Afican " menjelaskan bahwa mayoritas penduduk kenya adalah orang Africa.
Jawaban D

2. The most exported farm products from kenya are
a. Bananas
b. Coffee
c. Cotton
d. Sugar
e. Tea
Jawaban untuk soal ini sudah tersurat pada teks kalimat " .... and above all, coffee menjelaskan bahwa komiditas ekspor Kenya yang terbesar adalah kopi.
Jawaban B

3. The ... are mostly farmers
a, Samburu
b. Turkana
c. Hamitic
d. Kikuyu
e. Masai
Jawaban untuk pertanyaan soal ini adalah pada paragrap kedua kalimat kelima dan keenam
Jawaban D

4.  These people wander from place to place with thier herds of cattle' ( Paragrap 3 ) 
The underlined word means
a. Go
b. Walk
c. Leave
d. Travel
Kata wander bermakna berkeliling Oleh karena itu , kata yang paling tepat menggantikannya adalah travel.
Jawaban D

5. The communication purpose of the txt is 
a. To imform about the tribes living in Kenya
b. to give brief information about kenya
c. to persuade the reader to visit kenya
d. to tell the reader about ganme reserves in kenya

Setelah membaca teks tersebut secara keseluruhan kita dapat mengambil kesimpulan bahwa teks tersebut bertujuan untuk memberi sekilas informsi tentang Kenya