Jimmy Valentine ( Part One )


A guard came to Jimmy Valentine's prison cell one evening and led him to the warden's office. There he was handed his pardon, which the governor had signed that morning. Jimmy took it with a weary hand. He had served nearly ten months of a four-year sentence. When a man like Jimmy Valentine with many friends on the outside was sent to prison. he expected to stay only a week or two. But his friends had met with unexpected opposition from the governor, and the pardon had been delayed. "Now, Valentine," said the warden, you'll go out in the morning.You're not a bad fellow. I hope you'll stop robbing safes and live a straight life. Me? returned Jimmy, in surprise, Why, I never robbed a safe in my life. Well, laughed the warden, you're like the other prisoners here. They all claim to be innocent of any crime, As I remember, you were arrested for that Springfield robbery. I suppose it was a very unjust jury that sent you here. " Me ? said Jimmy, Why, Warden, I was never in Springfield in my life.

The warden smiled. All right, Cronin," he said to the guard, take him back to his cell and get him a suit of clothes. Unlock him at seven tomorrow morning , and let him come to the outer office.Valentine, think about the advice I gave you,"
At a quarter past seven the next morning Jimmy stood in the warder's outer office. He was wearing a suit of poorly fitting, ready made clothes and a pair of staff, prison made shoes that the state furnishes the prisoners when they leave, The clerk handed him a railroad ticket and a live dollar bill. With there he was expected  to become a good citizen and to start making an honest living.The warden gave him a cigar and shook his hand, Valentine, Prisoner No 9762, was recorded on the books" Pardoned by the Governor, and Mr. James Valentine walked out into the sunshine.

Paying no attention to the song of the birds, the green branches of the trees waving in the air, or the sweet smell of flowers, Jimmy headed straight for a restaurant.There he tasted the first joys of liberty in the form of a baked chicken and a bottle of white wine followed by a better cigar than the one he proceeded slowly to the railroad station and got on the train. In three hours he arrived in a small town near the state border. he went to Mike Dolan's saloon and found Mike alone behind the bar.

Sorry we couldn't get your release sooner, Jimmy," said Mike, " The governor almost refused to grant a pardon  because of a protest from the people in Springfield. Are you feeling all right?
Fine, answered Jimmy, " Where's my key? he took his key and went upstairs, unlocking the door of a room at the rear. Everything was just as he had left it. A collar button was still on the floor. It had been torn from the collar of that well-known detective Ben Price when he had struggled with Jimmy to arrest him.
Pulling down a looking bed from the wall, Jimmy moved back a board in the wall and dragged out a dust covered suitcase.He opened it and gazed fondly at the finest set of burglar's tools in the East. It was a complete set, made of special steel, and contained all the latest model drills, a few of which Jimmy had invented him self. These tools had cost him nine hundred dollars; they were made especially for him. In half an hour Jimmy went downstairs and through the saloon. He was now dressed in more tasteful and better fitig clothes, and he carried the suitcase in his hand.

Do you have any plans? asked Mike Dolan Pleasantly. " Who, me ? Jimmy answered jokingly." Why, I'm an honest businessman, representing the Association of Egg, Butter, Cream and Milk Producers.
Mike laughed and handed Jimmy a glass of milk, Jimmy never touched hard drink. A week after Jimmy's release, there was a neat job of safe burglary done in Richmond, Indiana, with no clue to the burglar. About eight hundred dollar was stolen.To weeks after that a new, improved, burglar - proof safe in Logansport was opened and robbed. Fifteen hundred  dollars in curency was taken; the silver and other valuables remained
untouched. These robberies, of course, brought immediate police investigations.Then bank notes amounting to five thousand dollar were taken from an old fashioned  bank safe in Jefferson City, The Losses were now high enough to bring the matter to Ben Price's attention.A remarkable similarity in the burglary methods of the three cases was noticed. Ben Price investigated the scenes of the robberies and was heard to remark; That's Jimmy Valentine's work, He's started cracking safes again, Look at the lock; he pulled it oit as easy as you pull an onion out of wet ground. He' got the only tools that can do it. And look how neat the work is,Jimmy never has to drill more than one hole. Yes, I think Mr. Valentine is the man we want. Next time, he'll serve his full sentence in prison, with no silly pardon at the end of a few months."
Ben Price knew Jimmy's habits, He had learned them while working on the Springfield case; no helpers, quick escapes, long trips, and a preference  for good society. When it was learned that Ben Price was investigating the robberies, other people with burglar - proof safes felt more at ease.
One afternoon Jimmy Valentine, carrying his suitcase, arrived in Elmore, a little town live miles from the railroad down in Arkansas. Jimmy, looking like a young athlete just toward the hotel.
A young lady crossed  the street, passed him at the corner, and entered a door over which was the sign " The Elmore Bank" For an instant Jimmy looked into her eyes, forget about his past, and felt like a different man altogether, She lowed het eyes and her face became a little red.Young men of Jimmy's style and looks were scarce in Elmore.
Jimmy noticed a boy  that was standing near the steps of the bank ad began to ask him question about the town, giving him dimes at intervals, By and by the young lady came out, and appearing to be unconscious of the young man with the suitcase, sh went on her way,  Isn't that young lady Miss Polly Simpson? asked jimmy, "No" answered  the boy, She's Annabel Adams, Her father owns this bank. What did you come to Elmore for ? Is that a gold chain on your watch? I'm going to get a new dog tomorrow. do you have any more dimes ?