A Bond of Sympathy Story


The Burglar stepped inside the window and closed it quickly. The house was a private residence, By the drawn window shades and dark stillness, the burglar guessed that the lady of the house was still away on her summer vacation probably at some fashionable ocean side hotel.He also guessed, by the light in the third story windows and by the lateness of the season ( for it was September ), that her husband had already  come back home and that he would soon put out the light and go to bed. 
The burglar decided to wait a few minutes, He lit a cigaret, and for a moment the glow of the match showed his appearance. It was plain that he belonged to the third type of burglars. 
This third type has not yet been completely recognized and accepted.The police have made a familiar with the first and second types. Their classifications is simple.When the police arrest a burglar who does not wear a coat and tie, he is describe as a criminal of the lowest type, especially evil in short, a very wicked character

The other well known type is the burglar who wears a coat and tie. By daylight he appears to be a respectable businessman or a professional man. Then after dark, he works at his miserable occupation of burglary. His mother is always an  extremely wealthy and re spec ted citizen. Where he is arrested and taken to jail, he asked at once for a razor and the latest magazines. He is said to have a wife in every state and a sweetheart in every big city. The newspapers print pictures of any unknown women they happen to have in their files, with the suggestion that they are the burglar's lady friends. But back  to our burglar and our story...
This burglar wore a blue sweater He was neither a gentleman thief nor a low criminal.
The police would have been puzzled if they had attempted to classify him. They were not familiar with the respectable, ordinary thief who belong to neither type one nor type two.
This burglar of the third type began to walk about the room. He wore no mask nor shoes with rubber soles, He did not even have a flash light, He did have a revolver in his pocket and he chewed gum.
The furniture of the house was still covered with its summer dust protectors, The silverware, no doubt , rested safely in a vault at the bank. The burglar dick not expect to find anything remarked. He wanted to make his way to the dimly lighted room where the master of the house should now  be sleeping peace fully, after having drunk too much wine to down his loneliness. He might find something worth taking there : loose money and maybe a few sale able items like a watch or jeweled tie pin nothing especially  valuable.
The burglar softly opened the door of the room. The light was low,but he could  see a man on the bed asleep. On the chest of drawers many things lay in confusion a small roll of bills, a few coins, a watch, keys, a cigar, and an unopened bottle of pills. The latter were probably there for the headache he expected to have the next morning.

The burglar took there steps toward the chest of drawers. The man on the bed suddenly turned over and opened his eyes. His right hand was under the pillow.
" Lie still said the burglar in a conversational tone, Burglars of the third type do not speak in a threatening tone. The citizen on the bed looked at the round end of the burglar's revolver and lay still.
"Now hold up both your hands, the burglar commanded.
The citizen wore a little pointed brown and gray beard. He looked dependable and respectable but also bad natured and annoyed. He sat up and raised his right hand above his hand.
Up with the other one, the burglar ordered Harry now,
I can't raise the other one, the citizen replied , with lines of pain showing on his face.
What's the matter with it?
Rheumatism n my shoulder , The burglar stood for  a moment holding his gun pointed at the unfortunate man. Then the burglar looked at the things on the chest, and almost with an expression of pity, he looked back at the man on the bed.The burglar's face began to twist with pain.
Don't stand there making faces,'the citizen scolded." If you've come to steal, go ahead. There are a few things you can take,"

Excuse me," said the burglar, ' but my rheumatism has just started to bother me, too, I know all about rheumatism, otherwise I wouldn't be leave your story about your stiff left arm, I have stiffness in my left arm, too, Anyone else would leave shot you when you wouldn't your left hand.
"How long here you had it ? the citizen in quired
Oh, about four years, The worst past in that, once you get rheumatism, you have it for the rest of your life.It seems that way to me, at least. " Did you ever try rattlesnake oil? the citizen asked with interest.
"Gallons of it, answered the burglar.' I took them for five months, They're no good.I had some relief the year I tried Finkel hams' Solution and Potts' Pain .powders, but nothing seems to help very much, " Is yours worse in the morning or at night? asked the citizen.
At night," replied the burglar," just when I'm busiest Say, take down that arm of yours,Tell me, did you ever try Blickerstaff's  Blood Builkler?
I never did, Does your rheumatism come in sudden attacks or is it a steady pain ?
The burglar sat down on the edge of the bed and rested him gun on his crossed knees.
It comes and goes," he said " It strikes me when I'm not expecting it. I'll tell you what I think, I don't believe doctors know waht is good for it.
I agree I've spent a thousand dollars without getting any relief at all. Does yours swell any ?
In the mornings. And when it's going to rain.
I have swelling then, too, said the citizen.
I can forecast rain better than any professional weatherman. Any dampness in the air gives me an awful pain in my left shoulder and arm
It's real misery said the burglar.
It certainly is, the citizen agreed with complete seriousness. The burglar looked down at his revolve and put in the his pocket with an awkward attempt to feel at case.
Say, old fellow, he began again, did you ever try Opeldoe's Oliver Paste ?  Unlesss " Answered the citizen with an angry look on his face." No better than restaurant butter.
" Sure, agreed the burglar," It's only good for a baby when a kitten scratches her finger.I'll tell you what I think Rheumatism gives us real trouble, I've only found one thing that eases the pain yes, just plain old whiskey.It's the only thing that will make us comfortable, Say, I can't rob you now. That's a bond of sympaty between us. Put on your clothes; let's go out and have a drink Quch! "There's that pain in my shoulder again.
For a week, said the citizen,I haven't been able to dress  myself without help. I imagine Thomas, our butler is in bed and," Come on urged the burglar, I'll help you with your clothes.
The citizen suddenly realized what a strange situation this was.He felt his brown and gray beard.
It's very unusual he began, " Here's your shirt," the burglar interrupted.Get up and I'll help you.I know a man who said Om berry's Oil was wonderful for rheumatism. After  using it for two weeks he was able to use both started out the door the citizen turned and started back.
I almost forget my honey," he explained.
I put it on the chest when I went to bed.
The burglar took his right arm.
You won't need any money, he said quickly, I have plenty four both of us,say did you ever try tobacco leaf plasters or Gilead's  Liquor ?